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清华大学 裴丹 副教授课题组

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清华大学 裴丹 副教授课题组插图
Dan Pei裴丹
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 10084E-mail:�0�2 �0�2peidan{@}tsinghua.edu.cnPhone:�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2+86(10)62792837

I am an Associate Professor in Computer Science Department at Tsinghua University, China. Before joining Tsinghua University in late 2012, I was a co-founder and the founding CEO of a mobile health company in Beijing. From 2005 and 2011, I worked as a researcher at AT&T Labs — Research, Florham Park, New Jersey. I am an ACM senior member and an IEEE senior member. A short bio is available�0�2here in English�0�2and�0�2here in Chinese. My CV is available in PDF format�0�2here�0�2(last updated on July 2018).

Here are my�0�2publications,�0�2Google Scholar Profile�0�2and�0�2patents. Most recent papers/slides are downloadable from�0�2here.

Here is my�0�2Linkedin�0�2Page and�0�2Tsinghua CSD page�0�2(in Chinese).

I lead the (NetMan) AIOps lab at Tsinghua. My current research interests are AIOps. My group design applied machine leanring algorithms and build REAL systems that process the real IT operations data from distributed software applications, and solve their reliabilitity, performance and security problems.

My Research is currently funded by:

  • NSFC 61472214: Operobot (Network & Service Operation Robot). PI. This project is also in collaboration with Baidu.com
  • NSFC 61472210: Cooperative Performance Improvement among Autonomous Wi-Fi Networks. Co-PI. We plan to build a real system that help millions of autonoumous Wi-Fi networks improve performance.
  • 973 Program 2013CB329105: Complex Network Behavbior and Its Gaming Theory Perspective. Co-PI
  • NSFC Key Program 61233007: Networking Protocols for Smart Grid. Co-PI
  • Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology key projects: WiFi Union. PI
  • Global Talent Recruitment (Youth) Program. SmoothApp: App Performance Management through Big Data Analytics. PI

In addition to above goverment funding, I am working with Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Sogou, and Didi on varies exciting joint projects.

My recent conference TPC services:

  • ACM NSDI 2021
  • IEEE ICNP 2020
  • ACM IMC 2017
  • SREcon Asia/Austrilia 2017
  • ACM IMC 2016
  • ACM ICN 2016
  • ACM CoNext 2016
  • IEEE LANMAN 2016
  • IEEE Workshop on Big Data and Machine Learning in Telecom 2016

I am very fortuante to work with these�0�2students

From 2014 to 2018, I have supervised�0�2J42, a senior class in Tsinghua Computer Science Department.

I also try to be a good tutor for a�0�2fifth-grader.

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