web3.0Web3.0时代的物流革命:比亚迪工厂的“真无人”物流实践 在2024年的今天,我们站在了工业自动化的新纪元。优必选的“真无人”物流技术在比亚迪工厂的成功实施,标志着生产生态的一次革命性转变。这不仅是技术的突破,更是对未来智能工厂的一次大胆预言。 Web3.0下的智能物流革命 在Web3.0的浪潮中,技术的融合与创新... 3个月前 (11-26)
web3.0Federated Analytics-Empowered Frequent Pattern Mining for Decentralized Web 3.0 Applications 联邦分析赋能的频繁模式挖掘用于去中心化的Web 3.0应用 Authors:Zibo Wang, Yifei Zhu, Dan Wang, Zhu Han Abstract: The emerging Web 3.0 paradigm aims to de... 4个月前 (09-30)
区块链A Column-based Learned Storage for Blockchain Systems 基于列的区块链系统学习存储 Authors:Ce Zhang and Cheng Xu, Hong Kong Baptist University; Haibo Hu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University;... 5个月前 (09-25)
NDNDesign of a Blockchain-Based Trust Model for Detecting Cache Poisoning Attakcs in NDN 基于区块链的NDN缓存中毒攻击检测信任模型设计 作者:Yuwen Xiong, Cong Wang, Chuang Chen,JiawenXu, Maode Ma, and Tong Zhou 论文摘要原文: Cache Poisoning Attack is... 5个月前 (09-20)
未来网络A systematic review on semantic interoperability in the IoE-enabled smart cities 基于物联网的智慧城市语义互操作性的系统综述 作者:Antonios Pliatsios , Christos Goumopoulos, University of the Aegean Samos Konstantinos Koatis, University of... 5个月前 (09-10)
NDNVSSB-Raft: A Secure and Efficient Zero Trust Consensus Algorithm for Blockchain VSSB-Raft:一种安全高效的区块链零信任共识算法 作者:SIBEN TIAN , FENHUA BAI , TAO SHEN , and CHI ZHANG 论文摘要原文: To solve the problems of vote forgery an... 5个月前 (09-03)
ICNUser-centric In-network Caching Mechanism for Off-chain Storage with Blockchain 以用户为中心的区块链下链存储网内缓存机制 作者:Hiroaki Yamanaka , Yuuichi Teranishi , Yusaku Hayamizu , Atsushi Ooka, Kazuhisa Matsuzono, Ruidon... 6个月前 (08-29)
区块链Broker2Earn: Towards Maximizing Broker Revenue and System Liquidity for Sharded Blockchains 为分片区块链实现经纪商收入和系统流动性最大化 Authors: Qinde Chen,Huawei Huang,Zhaokang Yin,Guang Ye,Qinglin Yang Abstract: Cross-shard Transac... 6个月前 (08-23)
区块链LiDO: Linearizable Byzantine Distributed Objects with Refinement-Based Liveness Proofs LiDO:具有基于细化的活跃性证明的线性化拜占庭分布式对象 Authors: Longfei Qiu, Yoonseung Kim, Ji-Yong Shin, Jieung Kim, ... 6个月前 (08-21)
NDNAdaptive Multi-source Multi-path Congestion Control for Named Data Networking 命名数据网络的自适应多源多路径拥塞控制 作者:Jiayu Yang, Yuxin Chen, Kaiping Xue, Senior Member, IEEE, Jiangping Han, Member, IEEE, Jian Li, Senior Member, IE... 6个月前 (08-18)